In this film, "Bryan Zanisnik Goes to the Meadowlands," Zanisnik - a New York artist - hikes through New Jersey's Meadowlands landscape, exploring its brack...
Jon Miller, a writer, photographer and filmmaker who publishes the blog "Death Cookies: reports from them yonder mountains" recently sent us an account of a...
Shortly after he moved to New Hampshire for graduate school in January 2014, a friend asked Clinton Begley to join him kayaking the Lower Winnipesaukee. It ...
Everyone climbs up mountains on their feet. But, at least in the winter, some people come down them on their butts.
Welcome to butt sledding, where hikers us...
Everyone has that one nutty friend who gets them into crazy situations. Even Hollywood heavyweights.
Actor Ben Stiller was recently on The Tonight Show wit...
This week, we've been featuring the three-part series "Bigelow," created by filmmaker Ben Gadberry as he documented a hiking adventure he and his friends ha...
Yesterday, we featured the first episode of the three-part series "Bigelow," created by filmmaker Ben Gadberry as he documented a hiking adventure he and hi...
The trailer for the three-part documentary "Bigelow."
Last year, film student Ben Gadberry set out to document a hiking trip on Maine's 4,145-foot Mount Bi...
If you want to see something to get you stoked for the paddling season, check out this video from Vimeo user Graham Seiler of whitewater kayaking in the Del...
The word "epic" gets tossed around much too easily nowadays. But, with its historic snowfall, I think we can all agree that the winter of 2015 has been noth...
Don't be fooled by this hike's mellow beginning. A steep 1,100 foot climb just short of the summit makes this a strenuous hike. (Unboring Exploring Photo)
Julian Rodier is a Vermont-based freelance videographer and editor. Last March, she filmed this ascent of Camel's Hump in Duxbury, Vermont. View more of her...
If you're like a lot of skiers, you spend your weekdays holding down a regular job while dreaming of weekends in the mountains. In fact, that would make you...
Photo: American Whitewater
Paddling advocates in Connecticut are hoping to protect the Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook from harmful dams and diversi...
Earlier this winter, mountain biker Aaron Chase hit New Hampshire's Highland Mountain Bike Park for an off-season session on the Pivot Cycles LES Fat.
The LE...