Welcome to Northeast Explorer…
…the website for Northeast outdoor travel and adventure.
From running whitewater in upstate New York, to surfing on Block Island, to snowboarding in Vermont and exploring the vast wilderness of northern Maine, no place in North America has the diversity of outdoor adventure opportunities that we enjoy here in the Northeast.
Our region offers everyone the chance to experience virtually any outdoor sport, and all within a day’s drive. To that end, Northeast Explorer is dedicated to covering the activities, people, sports and news of the Northeast outdoors.
On our website you’ll find information, news, features and profiles about the places, issues, people and organizations that impact the region’s recreation and environment and that will inspire you to take up your own adventures.
We want to hear from you. If you have any ideas for us, want to contribute a story, have questions or just want to tell us how we’re doing, drop us an email at editors@northeastexplorer.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Dan Mathers
Northeast Explorer