New challenge explores Adirondack waterfalls

If you love beautiful waterfalls and you enjoy a challenge, a New York group has a quest for you.

The new Adirondack Fifty Falls Challenge will challenge participants to visit 50 scenic waterfalls in the Adirondacks.

Dig the Falls, a New York-based group of waterfall advocates, recently announced the challenge as a way to spread out the crowds that visit the Adirondack High Peaks. Organizers said they hope to alleviate overcrowding at Adirondack High Peak parking areas, roadways and trails by attracting people to other areas of the Adirondacks.

Challenge participants must visit all 50 waterfalls listed in the challenge and submit a completed form and materials. All the waterfalls must be visited in person, with five requiring proof in the form of a selfie (safely-taken) of the hiker with the waterfall in the background. A screenshot of a recent GPS track can also be used.

There is no time limit for completion of the challenge.

Click here to learn more about the challenge and view the list of 50 waterfalls.