NJ workshop teaches trail maintenance

Trail 2You know those hiking trails you love so much? They don’t just magically appear in the forest. And they certainly don’t take care of themselves.

Those trails are the product of hours of attention and hard work by people who love the outdoors and want to give something back. And if you’re not one of those people yet, you could be.

Instructors from the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference will teach a free introduction to trail maintenance workshop at Salt Gastropub in Byram, New Jersey, on Saturday, March 28. According to an article on NJHerald.com, the workshop will provide attendees with the skills necessary to maintain a hiking trail with a focus on assessing trail conditions, clearing, blazing, proper use of tools and more.

The group maintains 2,125 miles of trails from central New Jersey to the Catskills, so they could use the help.

Read about the trail maintenance workshop by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference.