A mountain biker at Bond Brook Recreation Area in Augusta, Maine. (Augusta Trails/Facebook Photo)

$50K grant to help Maine hiking, biking rec area

A Maine recreation area popular for hiking, biking and skiing could soon receive significant improvements.

The first phase of improvements to Bond Brook Recreation Area in Augusta, Maine, could be completed using $50,000 in grant funding, according to an article on CentralMaine.com.

The money is expected to help finish off projects begun at the city-owned area located roughly between the Augusta State Airport, Mount Vernon Avenue, Bond Brook and the urban area of the city, including the visitors’ center building, trail signs and trail development.

Last year the city received a $50,000 grant from Friends of Maine’s Mountains to be used for capital improvements to the 300-acre recreation area featuring trails for hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowshoeing, birding and other nonmotorized recreational uses.

Read more about planned improvements to Maine’s Bond Brook Recreation Area.