WCAX.com: On spring weekends, thousands of skiers and riders from across the Northeast and Quebec make the pilgrimage to Mount Washington’s Tuckerman Ravine. But many can often be unprepared for the potential dangers — including avalanches.
Tuckerman Ravine, with its steep-sided bowl and spring corn snow, is legendary among skiing circles. “It’s just an impressive environment. And because it is sort of exciting and can be super dangerous, maybe that’s part of the attraction,” said Christine Bengston, a St. Johnsbury resident skiing the ravine on a recent sunny afternoon.
But that dangerous attraction can also be a killer. The same slopes that make for thrilling skis in Tucks — and neighboring Huntington Ravine — are also prime avalanche country, a fact officials say is often overlooked by many weekend warriors this time of year.
Read about many spring skiers being unprepared for avalanche dangers on Mount Washington.