A cairn with signposts near the summit of Mount Cardigan in New Hampshire. [Sage Ross/Wikimedia Photo]

Hiker with no light rescued from NH’s Mount Cardigan

A hiker who began climbing New Hampshire’s Mount Cardigan at 4 p.m. on Thursday had to be rescued when darkness set in and she had no light.

According to New Hampshire Fish and Game officers, Sarah Steele, 27, of Columbus, Ohio called for help after hiking the 1.5-mile West Ridge Trail to the summit of 3,155-foot Mount Cardigan.

Fish and Game officers found Steele shortly after 9 p.m. They provided her with warm clothing and a light. They then hiked with her down to her car.

Officials said Steele began her hike at 4 p.m. She told officers she was unfamiliar with navigation about treeline and wasn’t able to find her way back to the trail before sunset.