Naked Hiker Arrested at NH’s Zealand Hut

A hiker who was allegedly naked and threatening people at New Hampshire’s Zealand Falls Hut was arrested on Saturday.
According to New Hampshire Fish and Game officials, they received a report at around 5:50 p.m. on Saturday, August 20, of a hiker threatening people at the Zealand Falls Hut in Bethlehem. Conservation officers and an officer from the US Forest Service responded and hiked 2.7 miles to the Zealand Falls Hut.
When the officers arrived, they located a highly agitated naked man on the roof of the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Zealand Falls Hut.
The officers spent over an hour deescalating the situation and attempting to get the man off the roof.
Officers were eventually able to talk the man off the roof and escort him back to the Zealand Trailhead parking lot, arriving at 10 p.m.
The hiker was identified as Brian Cheverier, 35 of Boylston, Massachusetts. Cheverier was arrested and charges are pending.
Officials said no hikers at the hut were injured and AMC operations continued.