Northeast Explorer is the premier website for Northeast outdoor travel and adventure.
Whether you run whitewater in upstate New York, snowboard in Vermont, hike the vast wilderness of northern Maine, or surf on Cape Cod, our region offers everyone the chance to experience virtually any outdoor sport — and all within a day’s drive.
Northeast Explorer is dedicated to covering the activities, people, sports, and news of the Northeast outdoors. On our website you’ll find articles that will inform and inspire you to take up your own adventures.
If you have a story or photos you’d like to contribute, check out our guidelines.

Dan Mathers – Publisher | Editor
Dan is a writer and editor with a long history of working for newspapers, boating magazines, marketing companies, and medical websites. But the outdoors have always been his true love. He is an avid hiker, paddler, and ultra runner who loves disappearing into the woods for days at a time. He began tinkering with the idea of a Northeast outdoors website back in 2005, when he launched the New England outdoors website Six States. In 2011, he launched a new website, Northeast Explorer, incorporating the additional Northeast states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Dan is also the publisher and editor of the Northeast trail and ultra running website Northeast Trail Running. You can contact him by email at [email protected].