Twenty eight years after he first paddled across Massachusetts, canoeist Dennis “Denny” Alsop – now a grandfather – is trying it again.
According to an article on BerkshireEagle.com, Alsop, age 69, began his latest trip on March 21, when he launched his canoe in the Housatonic River in Sheffield, Massachusetts. It was 28 years to the day since he launched his first trip across the state in 1988, an adventure that took him 33 days to complete.

Now, like then, he is embarking on the adventure to raise awareness of the beauty of rivers state’s rivers and to draw attention to clean them up.
The rivers Alsop will paddle, along with the Housatonic River, include the Westfield, Connecticut, Chicopee, Quaboag, Qinnebaug, French, Blackstone, Assabet, Sudbury and Charles. Since the rivers are not contiguous, Alsop plans to portage, or carry his canoe from one river to the next.
Follow Denny Alsop’s Canoe for Clean Water page on Facebook.
Read about a canoeist paddling across Massachusetts to raise awareness for the state’s rivers.