Tuckerman Ravine

Film Examines Tuck Ravine Ski Culture

Filmmakers working with the Friends of Tuckerman Ravine are working to make a film celebrating the ski culture of the storied ravine.

The film, Ravine, is a documentary about the experience of backcountry skiing on Mount Washington. It’s about challenges and rewards. It’s also about family — both the biological kind, and the kind that’s formed from shared experience. Ravine is about a place that is unlike anything else in New England, and the power that it holds for those that venture there.

The film tells the stories of a community that’s grown up around Tuckerman Ravine. Whether from decades of experience or from a few recent trips, everyone in the film has been deeply impacted by their experiences in the backcountry.  Through their stories and the striking beauty of the area, Ravine provides a glimpse into why people have spent over 100 years on Mount Washington earning their turns.

You can learn more about the film at the website www.ravine.com. You can help fund the making of the film by donating at https://tuckermanravine.nationbuilder.com/ravinefilm_donations