Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire. (New Hampshire Parks and Recreation Photo)

Franconia Notch Park adds 400 acres and alpine training center

Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire. (New Hampshire Parks and Recreation Photo)
Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire. (New Hampshire Parks and Recreation Photo)

New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch State Park recently grew by 400 acres and added a world-class alpine training and racing venue.

According to an article on, the state Division of Parks and Recreation received permission in December from the Executive Council to spend $575,000 from the Parks Fund and to accept an additional $578,395 from the Department of the Interior’s Land and Water Conservation Fund for the purchase of a 396.4-acre parcel abutting the park.

The acquisition increases the size of the park by about 6 percent, to roughly 7,200 acres.

Officials say the land might be used for non-motorized activities such as snowshoeing, hiking, mountain biking and possibly even an equestrian facility. A series of public hearings are expected to be scheduled in the coming 18 to 24 months.

Read about New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch State Park adding 400 acres and an alpine training center.