White Mountains, New Hampshire. (Werner Kunz/Flickr Photo)

Great foliage hikes in New Hampshire

White Mountains, New Hampshire. (Werner Kunz/Flickr Photo)
White Mountains, New Hampshire. (Werner Kunz/Flickr Photo)

With its cool, crisp air and brilliant colors, autumn is arguably the best time of the year for hiking in New England.

Recently, NHMagazine.com put together a list of 10 great foliage hikes in New Hampshire. They range from a roughly 1 1/2-hour hike of Ledge Trail in Randolph to a roughly 7 1/2-hour hike of Mount Moosilauke in Warren.

If you do hike in the fall, remember that days are getting shorter and hikers are often surprised by early darkness this time of year. Be sure to pack a flashlight or headlamp, as well as a map, compass and lighter or matches. Also, autumn temperatures can often fluctuate wildly, so be sure to dress in layers and pack appropriately.

Read about 10 great foliage hikes in New Hampshire.