Kinsman Falls on the Basin Cascade Trail. ( Photo)

Hikers with child stranded in the dark in NH

New Hampshire Fish and Game officials rescued a group of hikers, including a 6-year-old child, on Sunday after they called for help when they were stranded in the dark.

The four adults and child were on the Basin Cascade Trail when they reportedly became stuck at a brook crossing. They called for help at roughly 7 p.m.

According to Fish and Game officials, the group did not have lights or other equipment to spend the night in the mountains.

A conservation officer hiked up to the group with lights, then escorted everybody down the trail by roughly 9 p.m.

Fish and Game officials identified the hikers as Richelle Sanchez, 27, of Manchester, New Hampshire and Evelyn Canela, 25, Angel Folgar, 34, Cindy Archaga, 28, and Jade Chavez, 6, of New York.