The Mount Washington Avalanche Center may have to do without a full contingent of snow rangers in the wake of the federal hiring freeze announced Monday, according to an article on ConwayDailySun.com.
The avalanche center, which forecasts avalanche conditions in Tuckerman and Huntington Ravine and serves as the lead agency for rescues on Mount Washington from December 1 to the end of May, has been working shorthanded since the start of the season. Two snow rangers left last year, and the process to replace them has taken months.
Despite two recent hirings, the avalanche center is still one snow ranger short of a full crew, and now because of the president’s hiring freeze, it’s unclear when the vacancy will be filled.
Last year, several climbers, skiers and snowboarders were injured in an avalanche on Mount Washington’s Tuckerman Ravine.
Read about President Trump’s hiring freeze hurting Mount Washington snow rangers.