Ideas for Early Winter Hikes

CrockersPlanning for the weather is always a challenge in New England. But it can be especially challenging at this time of year when Mother Nature can throw anything at you – a powerful snowstorm, messy freezing rain, or even a day that is downright balmy. It takes a hardy soul to continue venturing into the outdoors. But if you do, you’ll be rewarded with uncrowded trails and gorgeous early winter scenery.

For those looking for ideas for great hikes at this time of year, the Portland Press Herald recently ran an article by outdoors writer Carey Kish, editor of the AMC Maine Mountain Guide. Kish spoke with a number of hikers and got some great ideas for hikes, including such places as Caribou Mountain, the Great Gulf Wilderness, Bald Pate Mountain and more.

Read about great early winter hikes.