The Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in Maine. (Rachel Carson NWR/Facebook Photo)

Kayaking Maine’s Gerrish and Cutts Islands

The Maine coast is renowned for being home to some of the best coastal kayaking you’ll find anywhere. In southern Maine, one of the most popular trips among paddlers is a circumnavigation of Gerrish and Cutts Islands along the Kittery coast.

This 8.5-mile loop around Gerrish and Cutts is a fun, challenging paddling trip and a great way to experience kayaking along the Maine coast. The trip features amazing scenery, including a breathtaking paddle through the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. Kayakers also get to enjoy various types of paddling along the way, as the loop includes both creek and open ocean paddling.

Maine’s Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. (Rachel Carson NWR/Facebook Photo)

Paddlers should consider weather conditions and currents before embarking on the trip, as they will deal with both the open Atlantic Ocean and the fast-flowing Piscataqua River along the way. Paddlers should also check the tide, as Chauncey Creek and the passage through the wildlife refuge are not passable at low tide.

Set off from Frisbee Wharf off Maine Route 103, where you’ll find parking and a launch ramp. During the season, you have to pay a launch fee, but the trip is worth it.

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The Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in Maine. (Rachel Carson NWR/Facebook Photo)