Maine HERON Sticker to Fuel Aerial Survey

heron stickerThe Heron Observation Network of Maine (HERON) is partnering with Burly Bird (a Maine-based conservation sticker company) to help raise funds for a Maine statewide aerial survey for nesting great blue herons scheduled for 2015.

Members of the public can support HERON in its efforts by purchasing a newly released UV-coated vinyl sticker that shows a black and white silhouette of a great blue heron.

HERON is a volunteer adopt-a-colony program started by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in 2009 in order to gain a better understanding of the great blue heron’s status within Maine.

The great blue heron was designated as a Species of Special Concern in Maine in 2007 due to a decline in breeding pairs along the coast.  Little was known about the inland breeding population before 2009 when the department ramped up its monitoring efforts by creating the Heron Observation Network.

Read about the Maine HERON sticker to fund an aerial survey.

blue heron