Mid-winter kayaking among seals

When it comes to most people’s favorite mid-winter outdoor activities, sea kayaking likely doesn’t come to mind. But for some Northeast paddlers, winter kayaking isn’t just a great way to experience the outdoors, but it gives them the opportunity to view seals in their natural habitat.

A recent article on TheDay.com profiled several paddlers enjoying a kayaking trip off the Connecticut coast as they looked for seals in Long Island Sound.

Each year, beginning in late fall, hundreds of seals migrate from the Gulf of Maine to the waters of Long Island Sound.

Paddlers should keep in mind that seals are protected by law, and humans are prohibited from feeding them or getting within 50 yards of them.

Also, winter kayaking brings plenty of risk with it. Paddlers at this time of year should be prepared with extra precautions and protective gear.

Read about winter kayakers viewing seals off the Connecticut coast.