Pennsylvania's Tracy Ridge Trails. (Photo by Brittany Dawkins via

Mountain bikes rejected at PA’s Tracy Ridge

The supervisor for Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest has has decided against allowing mountain bikes along parts of the Tracy Ridge Trail System.

Last July, forest supervisor Sherry Tune announced a plan for shared trail usage. According to an article on, the Tracy Ridge Shared Use Trails Project proposed to convert a 12.5-mile section of the 34-mile trail system from hiking only to shared-use (open to bicycles and hikers).

The decision to open the trails to mountain bikers was opposed by several area environmental groups, including Friends of Allegheny Wilderness.

In announcing she was withdrawing the current plan, Tune said she plans to continue engaging local user groups on the maintenance needs and opportunities for shared use of the trail system, as well as how to move forward with the project in the future.

Read about the decision not to allow mountain bikes in Pennsylvania’s Tracy Ridge Trail System.