Access to several popular Vermont climbing areas is currently limited due to mud season conditions.
The climbing advocacy group CRAG Vermont recently posted on social media that access to three climbing areas is limited to either protect the roads to cliffs or to prevent vehicles from getting stuck.
The road to Bolton Quarry is temporarily closed to avoid damage while it dries out. Climbers are advised to climb elsewhere or park on Route 2 (off the travel path, not blocking mailboxes) and walk.
Climbers visiting Bolton Notch Road are advised to use caution as the road tends to get hit hard by mud season. Climbers should consider other options.
The road to Wheeler Mountain is treacherous when things get muddy.
“The road ate several Tacomas last season,” stated the CRAG VT social media post.
Climbers should park at the hiker trailhead and walk 0.8 miles along the road.