Officials plan to build a new hiking trail at the Quabbin Reservoir in Ware, Massachusetts.
Members of the East Quabbin Land Trust say they plan to build a hiking trail to access Muddy Brook, along 100 acres of conservation land they own called Hyde Woodland Preserve, according to an article on MassLive.com.
The Hyde Woodland Preserve is a 100-acre forested parcel along the southern flank of the Dougal Range, a large nearly unfragmented forested area recognized regionally as a significant wildlife habitat and important regional landscape. The forest is dominated by white pine and a mixture of hardwoods. Interesting stone walls, cellar holes, and unique landscape features such as steep talus slopes are found throughout. Some of the wildlife occurring in the area include white-tailed deer, beaver, black bear, bobcat, gray and red fox, coyote, moose, turkey, bald eagle, and a large variety of migratory birds including interior nesting songbirds.
Work to mark the hiking area is scheduled to begin this summer.
Read about plans to build a new hiking trail at Massachusetts’ Quabbin Reservoir.