Tuckerman Ravine

Northeast Avalanches Spur Safety Event

Tuckerman Ravine2014BangorDailyNews.com: While most people are aware of the hazards of frostbite and hypothermia, there’s one particular danger that recreationists in New England often overlook: avalanches.

“Though avalanches are more common out west and in more rugged alpine areas, New England has its own areas of risk,” said Dan Cassidy, a member of the Penobscot Valley Ski Club who has learned firsthand about New England avalanches in recent years. “Getting caught in an avalanche is serious business.”

In an effort to increase avalanche awareness, the Penobscot Valley Ski Club is sponsoring an evening program on avalanche safety oriented toward skiers, snowboarders and winter hikers at 6 p.m. Jan. 7 at the Orono Senior Center at 10 Birch Street in Orono [Maine].

Read about avalanche safety in New England.