Officials with Sunday River discovered the foundation of a chair lift lying in pieces Sunday evening, July 10.
Sunday River’s lift maintenance manager reportedy discovered that the foundation of the top terminal of the Spruce Peak Triple chairlift had become detached from the underlying ground, and reported it to the State of Maine Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety.
The reason for the foundation failure is still unknown and is under investigation by engineers from the State of Maine Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety, MountainGuard insurance, and the resort.
The Spruce Peak Triple does not operate in the summer and there were no injuries as a result of the incident, which was unwitnessed.
Initial findings have determined that the foundation detachment caused the top terminal to be pulled downhill to a 90-degree angle by the weight of the haul rope, which then allowed the haul rope to release from the terminal’s bullwheel and fall, lowering most chairs to the ground.
Sunday River has closed off access to Spruce Peak as a safety precaution and at the request of the State of Maine Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety while the investigation is still underway.
Decisions on repairing or replacing the lift have not been made at this point and will depend on several factors, including the results of the investigation.