During the 2014-15 ski season, it wasn’t the West that was best.
It turns out Vermont ski resorts received the most snowfall in the continental U.S. during this ski season. And Vermont’s Jay Peak received more snow than any other resort, with 357 total inches as of April 13. Currently 100 percent open, Jay Peak plans to have skiing into May.
Meanwhile, Killington Resort, supplementing their nearly 200 inches of natural snow with efficient snowmaking, has snowpack of up to 30 feet – enough to plan to keep the mountain open for skiing and riding until June.
The US National Weather Service snow stake at the top of the highest mountain in Vermont, Mount Mansfield, home of Stowe Mountain Resort, read 7 ½ feet as of April 9, 2015, a record amount for the season and far above the seasonal average.
Read about Vermont ski resorts having the most snowfall in the continental U.S.