White Mountain NF considers fee increase

White Mountain NF SignWhite Mountain National Forest officials are considering increasing recreational fees for the 2017 season.

Under the proposal, daily recreational passes would increase from $3 to $5, while an annual pass would increase from $25 to $30. The plan calls for eliminating weekly and household passes. More than 90 percent of all passes sold are daily passes.

The proposal also calls for eliminating fees at nine trailheads including 19 – Mile Brook Trailhead, East Pond Trailhead, Greeley Pond Trailhead, Hale Brook Trailhead, Hancock Notch Trailhead, Sugarloaf Trailhead, Downes Brook Trailhead, Oliverian Brook Trailhead and Sawyer Pond Trailhead.

Zealand Picnic Area would be added to the forest fee program under the proposal. Other changes include raising Dolly Copp Pavilion and Russell Colbath Barn rental fees to $100. Overnight fees for Crocker Pond campground would go up to $18. Fourth Iron campsites would be $15. And Black Mountain and Doublehead cabins would increase to $40 while Radeke Cabin would increase to $65.

Officials are seeking public comments on the proposals by September 30.

Read more information on proposed fee changes for White Mountain National Forest.