Camel's Hump State Park, Vermont. (Wikimedia Photo)

Camel’s Hump Challenge on Feb. 15

camels humpOne of the Northeast’s premier backcountry skiing events – the Camel’s Hump Challenge – will both test Nordic skiers and raise money to fight Alzheimer’s disease on Sunday, February 15.

The Camel’s Hump Challenge is a demanding high country traverse around the perimeter of Camel’s Hump, Vermont’s third-highest peak at 4,083 feet. Following a roughly 13-mile route through remote wilderness, the challenge demands participants have a high degree of physical fitness and competence in backcountry skiing.

All skiers collect of minimum of $150 in pledges and/or donations, with funds going to the Vermont Alzheimer’s Association.

Read about the Camel’s Hump Challenge.