Falcons close Adirondack climbing routes

peregrine falconBeginning tomorrow, April 1, several rock climbing routes in the Adirondacks will be closed to allow peregrine falcons to nest undisturbed.

An endangered species in New York, peregrine falcons nest on the sides of cliffs in the Adirondack Mountains. Rock climbing routes with active nest sites are temporarily closed to prevent any disturbances that might interfere with the successful raising of young peregrine falcons. The closure of climbing routes is based on a number of factors, primarily the route’s proximity and visibility to a nesting site.

Among the closed routes are all climbing routes on Moss Cliff at Wilmington Notch, all routes on both Upper and Lower Washbowl Cliffs at Chapel Pond, all routes on Shelving Rock on the eastern shore of Lake George, and routes on the main face of Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain.

For full details on the closing of climbing routes in the Adirondacks, visit the DEC webpage.