New York’s Vroman’s Nose makes for a great short hike

Vroman's Nose, New York. (Wikimedia Photo)
Vroman’s Nose, New York. (Wikimedia Photo)

With a total elevation under 500 feet and a roundtrip distance of under 2 miles, hiking Vroman’s Nose in New York’s Schoharie Valley might feel like climbing a speed bump. But with rocky outcroppings and tremendous views, it can make for a memorable short dayhike.

An article on recently profiled hiking Vroman’s Nose, which it described as a family-friendly climb. Besides being a great place to picnic, the Nose is also steeped in history. It was significant during the Revolutionary War, and relics from the Revolution and from Indian Wars can still be found there.

Read about hiking New York’s Vroman’s Nose.

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